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Have you ever been met with a fork in the road? What I mean is has there ever been a time where failure continued to lie to you about that where you were was not significant? Where you are and where you are going means something. Where you are God may be changing some things about your character, that's more important to Him because the purpose He has for you calls for it! I get it. I've been there. Sometimes the reason we allow the lies that comes from the fear of failure to dictate our choices is because we are placing our confidence and hope and trust in people and things that won't get us to our next destination.

The Bible is clear when it says that bad company corrupts good character. Is your fork in the road because of the company you keep around you? Here's another thought to this tremendous part of choice in life. That when we place our trust and hope in other things and people rather than Jesus Christ then we find ourselves unable to hear the voice of God for direction. Failure isn't finale, it never has been, and it never will be. Fear of Failure is an illusion the enemy places in our path to doubt the promises of God. This fork could represent that. Why would a fork represent the illusion, because it's one of His tactics that keep us stuck on the same road, the same path and the same people. Like this fork in the road in literal sense, no one stops to take the time to pick it up. Think about it, it's been stepped on, ran over, bent and flattened, it's of no-good use. Take inventory of who you are around, take a look at who has truly helped you grow to help push you "out of the eagle's nest" so to speak. The future, your future is all in God's hands, He's fixed your fork in the road, so you know that He is good, kind and merciful towards you. Forks are meant to be useful! God will send people to you as a launching pad to where God wants you to go. You got this! Take the fear of failure and ask God to help you change your mind into faith, and to connect you with the right people who will be on your team, who will be your support, ( you know like a fork supports good food) because when faith is activated by an internal belief system of trusting God alone then we find our identity in Christ and our purpose for life!

Psalm 37:23-24 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

God guides our steps when we seek the Lord first and delight in Him. And to delight in God is to know who He is and how he acts and responds to certain things. The one thing He gave man was free will and we have the choice to choose to trust Him or to become angry because we "haven't arrived" and so to speak we won't until we make it to heaven. We are always moving forward even when we are standing still. Even in the standing still moments God is still working on our behalf because the path has to be cleared for us to walk in it. Geber is the original word for this word good and it means we are strong and conquerors. We, however, must be supported by the Lord at all times and we can't depend on our strength alone or we will fall. This is really a benefit to the righteous bride of Christ because when we are in Christ then we get back up through repentance. It's not that we get back up on our own we get back up by making a change and allowing the Holy Spirit to help us with that change. It's interesting that David is making a statement in this Psalm that those trusting in God fully and completely don't fall away from the faith, he's acknowledging that we are human and that we aren't perfect.....yet. We are on our way up we have to watch our step as we take each step that God wants us too so that we don't stumble and stub our toe as we choose to move with His Holy Spirit.

For more check out Psalm 37:23-24 in the Blue Letter Bible App

Updated: Apr 3, 2024

The seed becomes planted and begins to produce roots

The strength of the roots determines the stability of the plant when the rain comes and the winds blow

The root system digs deep into good soil for the next season of change

This season of change requires a push through the soil, the leaves that have yet to bear fruit

The deeper the roots, the taller the plant; the taller the plant the healthier it becomes.

The care from The Gardner never plants the same seed again He only moves it from where it out grows for the roots to dig further.

The roots find the Water Source and the leaves reach for the Son, finding its way for the first flower to bud.

The plant is still from One seed form no matter where He tends to move it, being replanted is still a dark place

The roots are in fresh new soil for nourishment to grow.

The bud becomes a bloom and the bloom becomes evident of the fruit it bears.

The winters quickly approaching and it's that time again

The season for change requires a pruning to produce more blooms in the spring.

Moral of the poem:

There's one seed and yet multiplied seasons of pruning.

John 15:1-8

C Mason

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