Psalm 37:23-24 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.
God guides our steps when we seek the Lord first and delight in Him. And to delight in God is to know who He is and how he acts and responds to certain things. The one thing He gave man was free will and we have the choice to choose to trust Him or to become angry because we "haven't arrived" and so to speak we won't until we make it to heaven. We are always moving forward even when we are standing still. Even in the standing still moments God is still working on our behalf because the path has to be cleared for us to walk in it. Geber is the original word for this word good and it means we are strong and conquerors. We, however, must be supported by the Lord at all times and we can't depend on our strength alone or we will fall. This is really a benefit to the righteous bride of Christ because when we are in Christ then we get back up through repentance. It's not that we get back up on our own we get back up by making a change and allowing the Holy Spirit to help us with that change. It's interesting that David is making a statement in this Psalm that those trusting in God fully and completely don't fall away from the faith, he's acknowledging that we are human and that we aren't perfect.....yet. We are on our way up we have to watch our step as we take each step that God wants us too so that we don't stumble and stub our toe as we choose to move with His Holy Spirit.
For more check out Psalm 37:23-24 in the Blue Letter Bible App
You have to FOCUS 😊